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I knew she was evil the first time I looked at her,  evil dripped from her  essence.  but as each day passes,  another  dreadful pound of evil is unveiled about Hillary Rodham Clinton.  The video posted below was sent to me today by a friend who also realizes that this woman cannot and must not become President of the United States!  Frankly she terrifying.  it  appears that she wants global nuclear war,  she’s even blaming her  latest email  scandal on Russia!  Clinton sickens me  to no end!  Somehow, she has her self convinced that it’s okay to continue destabilizing countries and execute a nuclear war!  This  warmongering succubus, after all has her multibillion-dollar tunnels and cities far underground where she can live for many years!  I don’t think we should allow that! Please circulate this Global News video to everyone you know!

Donald Trump on the other hand,  wants to be able to get along with Russia and to be able to do business with  the Russians!  I was quite impressed by Donald Trump  junior’s response on CNN this morning!  if you haven’t watched the video of his speech at the RNC yet,  it’s an absolute must!  he reminded me of a young JFK!  Confident, strong handsome and oh so much charisma!  it is said that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”  therefore if you’re still unsure about Donald Trump as president just go on  and key in  any one of Donald Trump’s children’s names!  you will observe very grounded, bright, articulate and genuine personalities:  these are their names:

Donald Trump Junior……. Ivanka Trump……. Eric Trump…….Barron Trump, and Tiffany Trump

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` Pandemic for North America, Break out the surgical masks, gloves and antiseptics!

GINA DAWN’S BLOG ~ June 2016  ` Pandemic for North America,                                    Break out the surgical masks, gloves and antiseptics!


When I First put  this blog out,  I was attacked,  and accused of being a racist.  I have had friends and associates of every creed, color and religion. So I don’t think that I am a racist.  but just to clarify, the  soul purpose  of this blog is to bring awareness about an impending healthcare crisis!  I would say that it is paramount for the future of North Americans and their children to be prepared for this pandemic that will hit North America  in the very near future.  if we allow the globalist bought off leaders like Obummer  and  Trudeau;  to bring more refugees into our countries.  you can see what  a syphilis induced,  or HIV induced rash looks like by clicking on the link  below.  but trust me it’s not a pretty sight.  furthermore these diseases are mutated  strains that are drug and antibiotic resistant.   I,  naïvely had thought that the CDC,  centre for disease control  and the WH0,  world health organization,  had  within their grandiose budgets the way worth all to step up and execute quarantine and healthcare? silly me!

 If you don’t believe me, perhaps you will believe Germany’s healthcare system!

                                             There is a pandemic about to overwhelm North America: Much of which Obama and Trudeau have already brought into the continent.If Obama is approved to cutting $2.6 billion from veterans health care while allocating 4.5 Billion To Muslim immigrants moving To America or who are already in the country, then we are all doomed to this dreadful agenda with the  establishment's plans of sophisticated eugenics and their slow kill by disease.
A handful of doctors in Sweden and Germany have blown the whistle. They are required by law to treat immigrants in an emergent situation. Muslim immigrants refuse to be treated by female physicians because of their religious beliefs that a woman cannot be above a man. Leaving hospitals overwhelmed, and financially distressed. This handful of doctors in Europe are speaking out that  roughly 60 to 65% of  Muslim  refugees, are  carriers  of  antibiotic and drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis, syphilis,  HIV and a host of exotic diseases that we in the western part of the world have none too little experience with. The European physician's say that they are forced to write prescriptions to migrants because they simply don't have enough sample medication on hand in hospitals, and when they do prescribe, migrants become increasingly violent and disruptive because they can't or don't want to pay for meds.

This leaves me less concerned about physical attack than pathogenic attack.  We cannot allow the leaders of  Canada or America to allow these refugees in or we are all destined to the slow kill of disease. It appears that The Slow Kill is merely sophisticated eugenics.
I am not prejudiced, nor racist and while I think we could and should find a practical solution to help these people.  The solution is definitely not by bringing them into our countries. When communicable diseases are flourishing shouldn't the first step to stop the disease be containment or quarantine? I have to ask governments where the hell is the WHO and the CDC and why are they not medically vetting immigrants? Who, "without prejudice" were probably given these diseases by the establishment to begin with. IMHO, because most of us know that the elite has been using people who live far below the poverty line as human test tubes  for a very long time. So it would appear, based on the fact that there is a historical wave of genocide of one race or another every generation or so. Countless Blacks were thrown overboard into the ocean if they got just a sniffle while being transported in slaver ships, many more were hung or beaten to death. The atrocities are innumerable. There was annihilation of Jews by Hitler, there was genocide in Bosnia, Rawanda, South Africa, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda,Sudan and many other poverty-stricken places.Didn't that Zika virus come from the Gates foundation?                       It appears to be, that the elite are paranoid about running out of clean water and a healthy food supply. It is becoming more apparent that many of the elite are moving out of cities and building bunkers in the mountains and far off places. They are stockpiling weapons and ammo etc.

Perhaps if they knocked it off with the Chem trails, the GMO's , the cancer enzymes and other diseases they put in our vaccines, we may be able to clean up our planet and become unifiers,  which is what the "REAL DEAL" people of our world that I call heroes are trying to do. Real Deal peoples like Donald J. Trump!

These are my Real Deal heroes:

Donald J. Trump and his exceptional family;                                     Alex Jones and the info-wars warriors;                                                        Roger  Stone & his brilliant mind;                                                                                                   Judge Jeanine. Pirro and her “tell it like it is” flare;                                                                                 Stephan Molyneux and his hysterical sardonic wit!                                                                                             Larry Nichols and Lisa Haven exposing evil ones.                                                                             Chuck and Geena Norris;   stepping up!                                                                                                                                                                 Last but not least the truest of patriots:                                                 VETS, “Bikers and Truckers for Trump”  and American Liberty

In summation; I think that it is painfully obvious that Obama’s push to International order  is just a cloak for the New World Order, and a North American Islamic caliphate! Stand tall now people while you still have freedom of speech. They have a formula it goes like this:

1.} create an international crisis;

2.} Present an international solution;

3.} Appear as the rescuers while underhandedly taking over.

Sound familiar? kinda like climate change or global warming!

Merkel’s migration policy endangers German nation’s health – AIDS and syphilis high in Muslims

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Garden fertilizer and Wolves! Yeah Baby!






I’ve only known two people that have had every kind of crap you can think of  thrown at them,  and without fail they stand up  taller,  shinier, and more confident than ever before  Mr. Trump says ” throw me to the wolves,  and I’ll come back  leading the pack,because they know how to turn that crap into garden fertilizer!  Those two people are Eartha Kitt  and Mr. Donald J. Trump!   

From Eartha’s lips to God’s and all of our ears; this is one                                                   dynamite woman. Whom if were alive today; I’m quite certain that she would explain to the youth that George Soros the billionaire from the establishment who is paying the youth group ” black lives matter” to go out and protest anything and everything to do withTrump, in order to cause a race war, try and shut Trump down! and she would tell them that this billionaire Sorros, is just using them to bait a race war, and I know the prejudice, because she was a close friend of Martin Luther King, who marched peacefully, and nonviolently. having studied Eartha Kitt, I believe that she would tell these college-age kids that are paid protesters by George Sorros; That they are being used, by the establishment to try and make Trump look like a racist etc. in this video she delivers at the age of 80 a wonderful discourse about her experience with the White House and being banished for speaking up for the black youth of her day. I could not see her, nor did I see the late great MLK spitting in  people’s faces because you’re getting paid for it by the establishment!! All the while chanting that “black lives matter”  Like these kids today that don’t even realize that the establishment wants him to cause a riot or race war so Obama can order martial law.  I really wish that they were more aware likeMiss Kitt,  who would march and would reiterate that black lives do matter, never a hypocrite though, she would not have done it just for money, nor would she spit on anyone! An amazing, confident and brilliant woman. it’s a damn shame that America exlled her to Germany. I had thought we had come a long way since the Jim Crow laws, and the assassination of the late great Martin Luther King. but I see just as Eartha Kitt says we still have a long way to go!


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FAREWELL-to-propagandized,-main-stream-Media-Farewell-Fox- So-Long-CNN

 FAREWELL to propagandized, main stream media!

So long CNN, Goodbye  FOX NEWS;  and Farewell TO  MAIN STREAM MEDIA!  YOU BIG FIBBERS! ENOUGH is Enough!

I began my day reading the daily telegraph;  it’s a media outlet from down under;  even they appear to be establishment governed and propaganda promoters.  They misrepresented the real poll numbers they are so far off, and they did their best to try to  misrepresent  Mr. Trump’s  victories, opposite of what really occurred. Mr. Trump is bang on when he says most media are liars!

I’m sure there are some good ones…. like listed below:

It’s astonishing, every day I find another negative news caster or reporter in regards to Donald, Trump.  it’s so sad  that that most of our media interpreters do appear to be completely controlled by the establishment. Something we need to get away from quickly!  Mr. Donald J Trump  is  the solution.  He doesn’t have a  super pack;  he is self funding his campaign.     He is strong, vibrant and healthy!  Quite frankly I don’t know where he gets all his energy from?

I used to  read daily – the daily telegraph, CNN news and Fox;  common sense predicated to do so always with a grain of salt. However it would appear that they all try to manipulate,  their viewers.  There are only three newscasters I trust now to tell us the truth  and they are the real deal,  much like our next President Donald J. Trump!

They are the truth Sayers:

Stefan Molyneux

 Info -wars, with Alex Jones and company

  Dr. James David Manning

 and Lisa Haven,

all who can be found on  youtube   and they are the real deal.  they tell  it like it is. therefore if you want To know what is really happening, boycott mainstream media and get the Truth -sayers listed above on Youtube

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Resume Rescue





Do you need a little help? if so send us your details, info and situation, and we’ll be happy to help you out!Use the contact form below!

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When it is uncomfortable;
when it is unpopular;
even when it is dangerous to speak the truth;
it is precisely the time that the truth should be spoken
I choose freedom;
I choose Donald J Trump


 Alice Walker said ~

“The most common way people give up their power;
is by thinking they don’t have any!”

Donald J. Trump is the solution.                                                             Use your power now,                                                                                          or get trapped forever.

We see the establishment, attacking Trump with fervor!            Now more than ever. That alone should tell you Trump  is going to clean house in Washington,  and expose corruption

The establishment won’t be able to have one hand wash the   other, when Trump is in charge, especially by using the IRS to keep you under their thumbs  They won’t be able to take your pensions that  you paid into most of your lives! Nor will you be sold out to China and Mexico!


Daniel 9:25  ” The street shall be built again, and the WALL, even in troublous times. 

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About the Author

About the Author

I’m a North Canadian mountain girl who wears Harley   Davidson boots, with her jeans tucked inside. My daughter always says “Mum where is the flood? “and, “Mum untuck your jeans from those stupid boots, you look like a farm girl!” I said “Honey, I am a farm girl” lol

I grew up on a ranch in the Caribou mountains. Our little slice of heaven and Dad’s Hobby farm tax deduction, for his contracting company. We had seven natural springs there and everyone raved about Mom’s coffee, regardless of which brand she used!

I love to write poetry down by the river, with my dogs beside me, I’m a student of humanity, more recently I’m learning about online marketing and publishing. I used to advocate for persons with brain and head injuries which I found rewarding. I love to learn new things and meet new people, it’s a great way to expand ones horizons. This Queen’s copyrighted poem of mine entitled I remember, tells my whole story: TWISTER & GIA (2)_2












I remember cinnamon and nutmeg, thickening the air,

Flying saucers, made of Corning ware,

Scrawny screaming Mama’s, dashing here to there,

Bubbly consoling Auntie’s over dresssed with flare

Turbine building Daddy’s polished to a glare,

Wet backed horses, no one else would dare,

To mount to ride to chase down the bear,

On my quarter horse of grand confirmation,

I was ten feet tall and could not be taken!

No return, no surrender!

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Lakeside resort cabin

It is with great agility that Artisan ‘Treeman Cloud’ blocks down this 160′ high tree, which hovered over,threatening the lake cabin below. Treeman-cloud knows that timing is everything. For if a strong wind should sneak up on him, the tree could snap and send him head-long into the clouds. Every block off the top he cuts must be dropped with an Eagle eye & great precision. The space between the tree and cabin is no bigger than a Volkswagon Beetle.

They say “A man has got to do, what a man has got to do” and Treeman-cloud is no exception to that rule. I know No other that would risk their life & limb just because no one else will do it, or can do it safely.

Lakeside resort cabin 160′ up!

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2nd amendment


It wasn’t too long ago; when Obama tried via
ExecutiveOrder to take  away the Second  Amendment.  When Congress didn’t push through Obama’s wishes, I said to my friend “just watch  what happens now”… my friend said ” what do you mean?”  I retorted  ” it would appear to me that  the Democrats are desperately determined and sometimes illegally get what they want and it looks like they will stop at nothing to get what they want . Mark my words all of a sudden there will be several shooting sprees.  so then Obama can execute  crocodile tears and try to tell us that we should all give up our Second Amendment to make America a safer place.”

 That’s the exact same thing that Hitler said to the people,  and it worked in his case anyways.  Don’t be foolish people, You are being played by your current administration and the establishment who increasingly looks more and more as if they truly want a one world government in which we are all bagged and tagged!  I watched a very articulate and attractive black lady tonight on CNN her name  is Dr. Danielle Allen, apparently she is a Post-OP – ED writer.  I was quite shocked listening to such an articulate person speaking like a  blather-skate.  She compared Mr. Trump to Hitler, and insisted that Mr. Trump was taking everyone’s First Amendment by speaking his mind.   I now have banned both Fox News and CNN news from ever entering my living room again.  They flip the race card  whichever way  is most  advantageous to them at the time. It’s become quite apparent that someone high up in the establishment or UN, both of which are run by the same people.  That they are directing the media. ,  I am quite shocked that Americans would even sink so low  as to compare Trump  to that  Nazi  Hitler;  and/or the despicable KKK.

If Mr.   Trump  were prejudiced he would not have black celebrities endorsing him,  nor would he have employees and friends of all creeds and color.

 This race card thing and political correctness have been long over-played,  and  intelligent people  should put it to rest. An example of obvious abuse was Obama’s behavior,  a man not even black, but Islamic,  pretending to be black,  and it would appear he is trying to start a race war. with his removal of the Second Amendment and  his promotion of what he calls “Black lives matter”  don’t you think  as a country of multicultural diversity “That all lives matter!”

 Please stay vigilant people and don’t believe everything you hear but think things through. The establishment is desperate to steal your best chance at freedom and that means all of us.  There truly is only one equal opportunity player amongst the candidates and it is  the MAN

the self-made man Donald J  Trump!

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GINA DAWN’S BLOG from TreemanCloud


COIN,,CLOUDS, &Online Prose

In this Euphoric techno junky society, unlimited abundance flows. It’s all about Coin, Clouds andOnline Advertising/Consulting. It’s time to throw away the clay,and the widow makers trembler trees. and climb in to the New World of the “big-easy” money, in Online Consulting & Advertising. The time is now! This money making techno junkie society is here to stay. Times are changing, the world is getting smaller with the new wave of abundance “The sky is the limit” Reach for the moon and you will at the very least, be sure to land on a star! Manual labor is history! Let the system on Internet Consulting/Advertizing work for you!

If I can throw together a webpage for the first time, albeit somewhat generic so far, {I’m a work in progress} without ever having had a computer class, and learn the ropes about Online Consulting & Advertising. then anyone can! I’m just a farm girl who wears Harley Davidson boots, and I’m doing it!,

Then so can YOU!

Pack up your savvy and get in the game!

protected by Queen’s copyright August 22nd 2013

The Legend of treemancloud is a work in progress, my novel, all articles, pictures and the title itself are protected by Queen’s copyright on behalf of the author Gia-Dawn

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