Fake virus ending beast system

This is my personal opinion; food for thought, in these stressful times at the precipice of change. We will start with some common sense, first of all we have all been living an illusion under the beast system. What do I mean? I had to figure it out the hard way, as I do most things. We live in an illusion that I call the beast system and its all about to crash…

Every bacteria, every plague, every virus that has ever been is already locked away in our genome a.k.a. DNA. they have been rendered inactive by our white blood cells efficient antibody system. The only thing that can activate them is stress, anxiety, fear, and paranoia. Doctors know this… our medical system, and the pharmaceutical industry know this. it’s a racket, a money game. we are just sheep to them. I am living proof…

One can go to the doctors healthy and well but I guarantee you by the time you leave something will be wrong with you. “oh, we will just test you for this and test you for that” I guarantee you they’ll find something every time. Don’t you think it’s time to break out of the matrix heal thyself? Expand your thinking…

Remember,” whatever you focus on expands” focus well my fellow humans. We can do this, all it requires is your belief and a state of gratitude. Everybody just breathe and thank the Creator for life, liberty, justice and health…

And for those analytical ones, remember that all mainstream media is owned by less than half a dozen of the wealthiest families in the world. They tell us what they want us to hear,nothing more nothing less. To get to truth these days one must dig deep and do their own research. There are many Truthers today online, search and you will find. I will give you links to my recommendations of who I follow online and deem most trustworthy. I conclude with my motto;

“Be prepared, not scared” and

“festina lenta” = “make haste with awareness”

Have a great day everyone, God bless you and God bless the world!

my fave Truthers On YouTube:

Inthematrixxx…….Blessed2teach…….McAllister TV…………Weekend Warrior…….Agent Margaritaville………… …………And We Know………… X 22 report…………Deception Bytes…………

Amazing Polly

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